Image: Peter Bloch

Peter Bloch

Professor Emeritus

Peter Bloch studied at the University of Texas and has previously taught at the University of Massachusetts and Louisiana State University. He has published over thirty articles dealing with various aspects of consumer behavior. His current research interests include product design effects on consumers, the origins of product-related hobbies, and the modern culture of celebrity. Bloch taught consumer behavior at the undergraduate and graduate levels and is a leader in the use of classroom technology.


PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 1981; MBA, University of Texas at Austin, 1976; BBA., University of Texas at Austin, (highest honors) 1974


Bloch, Peter H. and Marsha L. Richins and (1991), "Post-Purchase Product Satisfaction: Incorporating the Effects of Involvement and Time," Journal of Business Research, 23 (September), 145-158.

"Leisure and the Shopping Mall," with N.M. Ridgway and J. Nelson, Advances in Consumer Research, R. Holman and M. Solomon, (editors), Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 18, 445-452, 1991.

Dawson, Scott, Peter H. Bloch, and Nancy M. Ridgway, (1990) "Shopping Motives, Emotional States, and Retail Outcomes," Journal of Retailing, 66 (Winter), 408-427.

Ridgway, Nancy M., Scott Dawson and Peter H. Bloch, (1990) "Pleasure and Arousal in the Marketplace: Interpersonal Differences in Approach-Avoidance Responses," Marketing Letters, 1, 139-148.

Bloch, Peter H., William C. Black and Donald Lichtenstein, (1990) "Involvement with the Equipment Component of Sport: Links to Recreational Commitment." Leisure Sciences,11:3, 187-200.