Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Marketing 2001

    "Timestyle and Leisure Decisions"

    Journal of Leisure Research
  2. Journal Articles Accountancy 2001

    "Adverse selection, inventory holding costs, and depth."

    Journal of Financial Research
  3. Journal Articles Marketing 2001

    An Involvement Based Framework for the Study of Environmentally Concerned Consumers

    Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management
  4. Journal Articles Finance 2000

    Do Bank Relationships Matter in Public Debt Offerings?

    Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
  5. Journal Articles Accountancy 2000

    Governmental Nonaudit Services and Choice of Incumbent/Non-Incumbent CPA Firm

    Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
  6. Conference Proceedings Management 2000

    Economic Reconstruction: Through Demining and Infrastructure Development

    Proceeding of the International Business and Economics Conference