Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Marketing 1987

    A Multivariate Analysis of Responses to Dissatisfaction

    Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
  2. Journal Articles Marketing March 1987

    Assertiveness and Aggression in Marketplace Exchanges: Testing Measure Equivalence

    Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
  3. Journal Articles Marketing 1987

    A Method to Improve Response to Industrial Mail Surveys

    Industrial Marketing Management
  4. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1987

    Media, Materialism, and Human Happiness

    Advances in Consumer Research
  5. Journal Articles Marketing September 1986

    After the New Wears Off: The Temporal Context of Product Involvement

    Journal of Consumer Research
  6. Journal Articles Marketing 1986

    The Product Enthusiast: Implications for Marketing Strategy

    Journal of Consumer Marketing
  7. Journal Articles Marketing 1986

    Consumer Search: An Extended Framework

    Journal of Consumer Research