Publications tagged as Staff

  1. Journal Articles Finance 2013

    The Effects of Cash, Debt, and Insiders on Open Market Share Repurchases 

    Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
  2. Journal Articles Accountancy 2013

    Weakened Outside Shareholder Rights in Dual-Class Firms and Timely Loss Reporting

     Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics
  3. Journal Articles Finance February 2013

    An International Look at the Lawsuit Avoidance Hypothesis of IPO Underpricing

    Journal of Corporate Finance
  4. Journal Articles Finance 2013

    Disclosure Regulation and IPO Underpricing: An International Analysis

    Contemporary of Accounting Research
  5. Journal Articles Accountancy 2013

    Religiosity and Tax Avoidance

    The Journal of the American Taxation Association
  6. Journal Articles Accountancy 2013

    Institutional Shareholders' Investment Horizons and Tax Avoidance

    The Journal of the American Taxation Association 25