Publications tagged as Staff

  1. Books Marketing 2005

    Inside Consumption: Consumer Motives, Goals, and Desires

    Inside Consumption: Consumer Motives, Goals, and Desires
  2. Other Management 2005

    M&As and fraud: the hidden cost

    Financial Times Mastering Corporate Governance Series
  3. Journal Articles Management 2005

    The Impact of Message Frame on Negotiators' Impressions, Moods, and Behaviors.

    International Journal of Conflict Management
  4. Book Chapter Marketing 2005

    What Consumers Desire: Goals and Motives in the Consumption Environment

    Inside Consumption: Consumer Motives, Goals, and Desires
  5. Journal Articles Accountancy 2005

    “Disclosure quality and market liquidity: Impact of depth quotes and order sizes.”

    Contemporary Accounting Research
  6. Journal Articles Accountancy Fall 2005

    "Disclosure of managers’ forecasts in interim financial statements: A study of effective tax rate changes.”

    Journal of the American Taxation Association
  7. Journal Articles Accountancy 2005

    "SFAS 132(R) and new pension disclosures."

    CPA Journal