Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy 2005

    “Trade size and informed trading: Which trades are 'Big'?”

     Journal of Financial Research
  2. Conference Proceedings Marketing 2005

    "Consumption Decisions Involving Goal Tradeoffs: The Impact of One Choice on Another"

    Advances in Consumer Research
  3. Journal Articles Marketing 2005

    "Distinctive Brand Cues and Memory for Product Consumption Experiences” 

    International Journal of Research in Marketing
  4. Journal Articles Management 2005

    The Impact of Message Frame on Negotiators' Impressions, Moods, and Behaviors.

    International Journal of Conflict Management
  5. Book Chapter Marketing 2005

    What Consumers Desire: Goals and Motives in the Consumption Environment

    Inside Consumption: Consumer Motives, Goals, and Desires
  6. Journal Articles Finance 2005

    The Matching of Financial and Real Investment Options: Evidence from Warrant Calls

    The Journal of Financial Research
  7. Conference Proceedings Management December 2004

    Race Issues in Career and Technical Education

    Association of Career and Technical Education 2004 National Convention and Career Exposition
  8. Journal Articles Accountancy 2004

    "The informational role of financial analysts: Interpreting public disclosures."

     Journal of Financial Transformation