Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Finance 2008

    A Face Can Launch a Thousand Shares

    Journal of Behavioral Finance
  2. Journal Articles Accountancy 2008

    "Revised pension rules and the cost of debt."

    Research in Accounting Regulation
  3. Journal Articles Accountancy 2008

    "Voluntary Disclosure and Stock Price Informativeness."

    Financial Management
  4. Journal Articles Management 2008

    Public Choice Theory

  5. Conference Proceedings Marketing 2008

    Yet We Hardly Knew You: a Netnography of Grief and Consumption in Para-Social Relationships

    Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
  6. Journal Articles Finance 2008

    Asset Allocation Barbells

    Frank J. Fabozzi’s Handbook of Finance: Investment Management and Financial Management
  7. Journal Articles Accountancy 2008

    Creditor rights, Short term Debt, and Earnings Management

    Journal of Law and Economics
  8. Journal Articles Accountancy 2008

    IAS Adoptions: The influence of firm and country specific factors. 

    European Accounting Review
  9. Journal Articles Accountancy 2008

    "The usefulness of disclosures of untaxed foreign earnings in firm valuation."

    Journal of the American Taxation Association