Publications tagged as Accountancy

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy 2018

    “Audit Committee Accounting Expertise, Analyst Following, and Market Liquidity.”

    Journal of Accounting, Auditing, & Finance
  2. Journal Articles Accountancy 2018

    “Value relevance of customer-related intangible assets”

    Research in Accounting Regulation
  3. Journal Articles Accountancy June 2018

    Why Managers Shouldn’t Have the Final Say in Performance Reviews

    Harvard Business Review
  4. Journal Articles Accountancy 2018

    Management Control Systems: A Cross-Cultural Analysis

    Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies
  5. Journal Articles Accountancy, Economics, Finance Annals of Finance

    Can VPIN Forecast Geopolitical Events? Evidence from the 2014 Crimean Crisis

    VPIN Forecast Geopolitical Events? Evidence from the 2014 Crimean Crisis.
  6. Journal Articles Accountancy 2019

    "Analyst Coverage and the Likelihood of Meeting or Beating Earnings Benchmarks."

    Contemporary Accounting Research