Czerney, K., J. J. Schmidt, A. M. Thompson, and W. Zhu. 2019. Do Type II subsequent events impair financial reporting quality? The Accounting Review Forthcoming.

Keith Czerney
Dr. Keith Czerney (PhD, University of Illinois ’15; MAPC, Villanova University ’06; BBA, University of Michigan ’05) is an assistant professor in the School of Accountancy where he teaches Auditing Theory and Practice I. Dr. Czerney's research focuses on current issues in auditing and disclosure using archival-based research methods. His research has been published in The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, and AUDITING: A Journal of Practice and Theory. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Missouri, Dr. Czerney spent three years as an assistant professor in the School of Accountancy at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where he taught graduate courses on financial accounting theory and financial statement analysis, and five years as an external auditor in public accounting. Dr. Czerney enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife, Kim, and their three children.
BBA, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2005; MAPC, Villanova University, 2006; PhD, Accounting, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2015.
Czerney, K., D. Jang, and T. C. Omer. 2019 "Client Deadline Concentration in Audit Offices and Audit Quality." AUDITING: A Journal of Practice and Theory 38 (4): 55-75.
Czerney, K., J. J. Schmidt, and A. M Thompson. 2019. "Do Investors Respond to Explanatory Language Included in Unqualified Audit Reports?" Contemporary Accounting Research 36 (1): 198-229.
Czerney, K., J. J. Schmidt, and A. M. Thompson. 2014. "Does auditor explanatory language in unqualified audit reports indicate increased financial misstatement risk?" The Accounting Review 89 (6): 2115-2149.