Four faculty receive promotion, tenure

Four Trulaske College of Business faculty members were promoted, effective September 1. These promotions are reflective of the outstanding scholarship, teaching, research and service for which Trulaske is known.
Matthew Glendening, CBIZ MHM Faculty Scholar, has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Glendening teaches intermediate financial accounting and international accounting while concentrating his research on financial reporting and corporate governance. His most recent article, “Determinants and Consequences of Quantitative Critical Accounting Estimate Disclosures,” was published in The Accounting Review (with Elaine Mauldin and Ken Shaw).
Stevie Neuman, Brown Smith Wallace Faculty Scholar, has been promoted to associate professor with tenure. Neuman teaches introductory taxation classes to junior and senior accountancy students, while focusing her research on the volatility of firms’ tax avoidance, tax risk and corporate inversions. Her most recent publications, including the article “The Loss of Information Associated with Binary Audit Reports: Evidence from Auditors’ Internal Control and Going Concern Opinions” (forthcoming), have appeared in Contemporary Accounting Research.
Kuntara Pukthuanthong, Robert J. Trulaske, Jr. Professor of Finance, has been promoted to full professor. Pukthuanthong teaches in the area of corporate finance, focusing her research on areas such as asset pricing, international finance and mutual funds. In 2019 and 2020, she was recognized for her article “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Measuring Investor Statement by Combining Machine Learning and Photos from News,” with both the Hillcrest Behavioral Finance Award from Hillcrest Asset Management and the college’s Winemiller Excellence Award; and for her article “A Toolkit for Factor-Mimicking Portfolios” as a finalist for the Crowell Prize from PanAgora Asset Management.
Ken Shaw, KPMG/Joseph A. Silvoso Distinguished Professor, has been promoted to full professor. Shaw concentrates his research and teaching on financial accounting and corporate governance. He teaches students in the Trulaske master’s of accountancy and execMBA programs, and has been nominated for several teaching awards. Most recently, he was voted Best First Year Professor by the 2019 execMBA graduates and as Faculty Member of the Year by the 2019 School of Accountancy graduates.