Publications tagged as Faculty

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy 2019

    "Analyst Coverage and the Likelihood of Meeting or Beating Earnings Benchmarks."

    Contemporary Accounting Research
  2. Journal Articles Management 2019

    "CFO gender and financial statement irregularities."  

    Academy of Management Journal
  3. Book Chapter Management 2019

    "Who is searching for whom?  Integrating applicant attraction and job search research."

    The Oxford Handbook of Job Loss and Job Search
  4. Journal Articles Management 2019

    "You’re fired!:  Gender disparities in CEO dismissal." 

     Journal of Management
  5. Journal Articles Management 2019

    Faster, hotter, and more linked in: Managing social disapproval in the social media era.

    Academy of Management Review
  6. Journal Articles Finance Forthcoming

    International asset allocation in presence of systematic cojumps

    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
  7. Book Chapter Finance 2019

    What Drives Variation in the International Diversification Benefits? A Cross-country Analysis

    Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Technology