Research Directory

  1. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1982

    Involvement Beyond the Purchase Process: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Investigation

    Advances in Consumer Research
  2. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1982

    An Investigation of Consumers' Attitudes Toward Complaining

    Advances in Consumer Research
  3. Other Marketing November 1981

    Book review of Advanced Questionnaire Design

    Journal of Marketing Research
  4. Other Marketing February 1981

    Book review of Marketing Research and Knowledge Development

    Journal of Marketing Research
  5. Journal Articles Marketing 1981

    The Job Hunting Seminar Series: Applied Marketing for Graduating Seniors

    Journal of Marketing Education
  6. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1981

    An Exploration into the Scaling of Consumers' Involvement with a Product Class

    Advances in Consumer Research
  7. Journal Articles Marketing 1980

    The Channels Manager: Marketing's Newest Aide?

    California Management Review
  8. Journal Articles Marketing 1980

    Advertising Trends and the Small Retailer

    American Journal of Small Business
  9. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1980

    Consumer Perceptions of Costs and Benefits Associated with Complaining

    Refining Concepts and Measures of Consumer Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior
  10. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1980

    What is Product Importance? A Theoretical Analysis and Synthesis

    Theoretical Developments in Marketing