Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy 2001

    "The inefficiency of the mean analyst forecast as a summary forecast of earnings."

    Journal of Accounting Research
  2. Journal Articles Accountancy 2001

    Liability Equivalence of Unfunded Nuclear Decommissioning Costs

    Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
  3. Journal Articles Accountancy 2001

    "The impact of accounting rules on IPO prices: the case of research and development cost capitalization." 

    Journal of Accounting and Business Research
  4. Journal Articles Accountancy 2001

    "Adverse selection, inventory holding costs, and depth."

    Journal of Financial Research
  5. Journal Articles Accountancy 2000

    Governmental Nonaudit Services and Choice of Incumbent/Non-Incumbent CPA Firm

    Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
  6. Journal Articles Accountancy November 2000

    Restructuring and Firm Value: The Effects of Profitability and Restructuring Purpose

    Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting