Image: Inder Khurana

Inder K. Khurana

Geraldine Trulaske Chair of Accountancy
447 Cornell Hall
12:00-1:00pm Thursday (Zoom)

Dr. Khurana's research interests are in the areas of financial accounting and auditing. His recent research has focused on financial statement disclosure issues facing regulated and unregulated industries. He has published in several journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Research in Accounting Regulation, and Advances in Accounting.


B Commerce, Delhi University, 1978; MIM, American Graduate School of International Management, 1985; PhD, Arizona State University, 1989


Khurana, I., K.K. Raman, and D. Wang. 2013.  "Weakened Outside Shareholder Rights in Dual-Class Firms and Timely Loss Reporting."  Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics 9: 203-220

Boone, J., I. Khurana, and K.K. Raman. 2012.  "Audit Market Concentration and Auditor Tolerance for Earnings Management."  Contemporary Accounting Research 1171-1203.

Albring, S., I. Khurana, A. Nejadmalayer and R. Pereira.  2011.  "Managerial Compensation and the Debt Placement Decision."  Journal of Corporate Finance 17: pp. 1445-1456.

Albring, S., D. Dhaliwal, I. Khurana, and, R. Pereira. 2011. "Short Term Incentive Effects of a Reduction in the NOL Carryback Period."  The Journal of American Taxation Association 23(2): 67-88.

Francis, J., I. Khurana, R. Pereira, and X. Martin. 2011. "The Relative Importance of Firm Incentives Versus Country Factors in the Demand for Assurance Services by Private Entities." Contemporary Accounting Research, 28 (2): 487-516.