Robert, C. & Cheung, Y-H. (2010). An examination of the relationship between conscientiousness and group performance on a creative task. Journal of Research in Personality, 44(2), 222-231.

Christopher Robert
Chris Robert currently serves as the Management Department Chair and Pinkney C. Walker Professor of Teaching Excellence in the Trulaske College of Business. He served as the interim dean of the Trulaske College of Business from 2021 to July, 2023, and as the associate dean for graduate programs and research from 2017 to 2021. He received his PhD from the University of Illinois in industrial/organizational psychology. He studies humor at work, as well as cross-cultural management, workplace conflict, and work groups and teams. His research has appeared in publications such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, Human Relations, Journal of Business and Psychology, and Group and Organizational Behavior. He is the editor of the book The Psychology of Humor at Work (2017, Psychology Press).
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1998; M.A. University of Illinois, 1995; B.A. University of Vermont, 1992
Robert, C., & Yan, W. (2007). "The Case for Developing New Research on Humor and Culture in Organizations: Towards a Higher Grade of Manure." Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, vol. 26, pp. 205-267. Elsevier, Joseph Martocchio, ed.
Robert, C., Lee, W. C., & Chan, K-Y. (2006). "Measurement equivalence in the measurement of culture: An examination of the influence of culture, language and translation, occupation, and response context." Personnel Psychology, 59, 65-99.
Olekalns, M., Robert, C., Probst, T., Smith, P., & Carnevale, P. (2005). The Impact of Message Frame on Negotiators' Impressions, Moods, and Behaviors. International Journal of Conflict Management, 16, 379-402.
Wasti, S. A., & Robert, C. (2004). "Out of Touch? An Evaluation of the Correspondence between Academic and Practitioner Concerns in IHRM." Advances in International Management (Vol. 15), pp. 207-239. JAI Press, Eds. Michael Hitt and Joseph Cheng.