Publications tagged as Accountancy

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy 2003

    Are Fundamentals Priced in the Bond Market? 

    Contemporary Accounting Research
  2. Journal Articles Accountancy 2003

    "Corporate disclosure quality and properties of analysts' information environment."

    Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance
  3. Journal Articles Accountancy 2004

    "The Effects of Restructuring Charges on Employer Contributions to Profit Sharing Plans"

    Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
  4. Journal Articles Accountancy 2004

    Are Big Four audits in ASEAN Countries of Higher Quality Than Non-big Four Audits?

    Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics
  5. Journal Articles Accountancy 2004

    “Earnings announcements plus analysts' knowledge can trigger a forecast flurry.”

    Investor Relations Quarterly
  6. Journal Articles Accountancy 2004

    "The informational role of financial analysts: Interpreting public disclosures."

     Journal of Financial Transformation