Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Marketing March 1977

    Minority Business Needs and Assistance in Arizona

    Arizona Business
  2. Other Marketing February 1977

    Consumer Prices in Metropolitan Phoenix? 1976 in Review

    Arizona Business
  3. Book Chapter Marketing 1977

    The Mother-Child Observation Study of Type A-Type B Behavior

    Behavior Patterns, Stress, and Coronary Disease
  4. Other Marketing February 1976

    Arizona Retailers on Fair Trade Repeal

    Arizona Business
  5. Journal Articles Marketing October 1974

    A Modified Nominal-Group Process for Public-Sector Problem Solving

    Public Personnel Management
  6. Journal Articles Marketing June 1974

    Advertising Strategy for Foreign Products

    Journal of Advertising Research
  7. Journal Articles Marketing April 1974

    Effects of Alternative Follow-up Procedures on Mail Survey Response Rates

    Journal of Applied Psychology
  8. Journal Articles Marketing January 1974

    Two Approaches to Job-Hunting Workshops

    Journal of College Placement
  9. Journal Articles Marketing April 1973

    The Internationalization of U.S. Franchise Systems: Progress and Procedures

    Journal of Marketing