Publications tagged as Staff

  1. Journal Articles Marketing 2003

    “Choosing Leisure Services: The Effects of Consumer Timestyle”

    Journal of Services Marketing
  2. Journal Articles Marketing 2003

    “Consumer Perceptions of Product Variants Positioned on Atypical Attributes”

    Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
  3. Journal Articles Marketing 2003

    “Does it Make Sense to Use Scents to Enhance Brand Memory?”

    Journal of Marketing Research
  4. Journal Articles Accountancy January/February 2003

    Value Relevance of Fair Value Disclosures in the Banking Industry

    Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
  5. Journal Articles Management 2003

    Increasing firm value through detection and prevention of white collar crime

    Strategic Management Journal
  6. Journal Articles Accountancy 2003

    Are Fundamentals Priced in the Bond Market? 

    Contemporary Accounting Research
  7. Journal Articles Accountancy 2003

    "Corporate disclosure quality and properties of analysts' information environment."

    Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance