Publications tagged as Accountancy

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy 2010

    Investor Pricing of CEO Equity Incentives

    Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
  2. Journal Articles Accountancy, Economics, Finance 2010

    "Is CEO cash compensation punished for poor firm performance?"

    The Accounting Review
  3. Journal Articles Accountancy 2010

    Do the Big 4 and the Second-tier provide Audits of Similar Quality

    Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
  4. Journal Articles Accountancy 2011

    Litigation Risk and Abnormal Accruals

    Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 
  5. Journal Articles Accountancy 2011

    Mandatory IFRS Adoption and the U.S. Home Bias

    Accounting Horizons
  6. Journal Articles Accountancy 2011

    "Short Term Incentive Effects of a Reduction in the NOL Carryback Period."

    The Journal of American Taxation Association