Fang, Er, Shuming Zhao and Shaoming Zou (2003), “The Effect of Export Marketing Capabilities on Export Performance: An Investigation of Chinese Exporters,” Journal of International Marketing, 11 (4), 32-55.
Shaoming Zou
Shaoming Zou is Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. Professor and Professor of Marketing and International Business at the Trulaske College of Business, University of Missouri. His research interests are in marketing strategy and international marketing. Professor Zou’s publications include articles in Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising, Journal of International Marketing, International Marketing Review, Decision Sciences, among others. He is a co-author of the book: Export Marketing Strategy: Tactics and Skills That Work. Professor Zou is one of the most cited scholars in the international marketing literature. In 2003 and 2012, he twice received the "Excellence in Global Marketing Research Award" from American Marketing Association Global Marketing SIG for publishing articles that had significantly influenced the direction of global marketing research in previous ten years. He is also the recipient of the 1998 Hans B. Thorelli Best Paper Award in Journal of International Marketing and the 1999 Best Paper Award in International Marketing Review. Professor Zou is an associate editor of Service Science. He previously served as a Department Editor (2005-2008) and a Consulting Editor (2009-2016) of Journal of International Business Studies, the top journal in international business, and the Series Editor of Advances in International Marketing. Professor Zou teaches Managerial Marketing (MRKTNG 8460) and Global Business Environment (MRKTNG 8720) in the Crosby MBA Program and the MSB Program, and Global Marketing (MRKTNG 4720) and Marketing Management (MRKTNG 4000) in the BSBA Program. He twice received the John A. Riggs, Jr. Excellence in MBA Teaching Award.
Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1994; MBA, Michigan State University, 1989; B.S., Sichuan University, 1983
Morgan, N.A., D.W. Vorhies, C.S. Katsikeas and Shaoming Zou (2003), “Experiential and Informational Knowledge, Architectural Marketing Capabilities and the Adaptive Performance of Export Ventures: A Cross-National Study,” Decision Sciences, 34 (2), 287-321.
Zou, Shaoming, Charles R. Taylor, and Er (Eric) Fang (2003), “MNC Control over Foreign Market Ventures: Do Host Governments Still Play a Major Role?” Advances in International Marketing, 14, 35-47.
Zhao, Hongxin (John) and Shaoming Zou (2002), "The Impact of Industry Concentration and Firm Location on Export Propensity and Intensity: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Manufacturing Firms," Journal of International Marketing, 10 (1), 52-71.
Zou, Shaoming, and S. Tamer Cavusgil (2002), "The GMS: A Broad Conceptualization of Global Marketing Strategy and Its Effect on Firm Performance," Journal of Marketing, 66 (4), 40-56.