Glendening, M., E. Mauldin, and K. Shaw. 2019. "Determinants and consequences of quantitative critical accounting estimate disclosures." The Accounting Review, 94 (5): 189-218
Matthew Glendening
Matt Glendening is an associate professor in the School of Accountancy. He has taught intermediate financial accounting, data analytics, and international accounting. His research focuses on financial reporting and corporate governance.
BBA in Accounting, University of Iowa, 2007; PhD in Accounting, University of Iowa, 2012
Glendening, M. 2017. "Critical Accounting Estimate Disclosures and the Predictive Value of Earnings". Accounting Horizons 31 (4): 1-12.
Glendening, M., I. Khurana, and W. Wang. 2016. The Market for Corporate Control and Dividend Policies: Cross-Country Evidence from M&A Laws. Journal of International Business Studies 47 (9): 1106-1134.