MU International Trade Center Market Research Interns Impress

Fifteen Trulaske College of Business undergraduate students interning with the MU International Trade Center presented findings from the semester-long global market research projects completed for three U.S.-based manufacturers and the MU International Center. The students completed extensive research to identify and evaluate countries and industry sectors for potential market entry. Companies working with the Trade Center this spring included: Laclede Chain (St. Louis), Holtec Gas Systems (Chesterfield, Mo.), Raining Rose (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), and the MU International Center (Columbia). Jim Riley, President and CEO of Laclede Chain shared his thanks and appreciation to the student interns.
“I’m very impressed with the depth and professionalism of the final report prepared," Jim said. "The students… young professionals, did an outstanding job in analyzing these markets and sharing that information with us. Laclede will most definitely use the information shared.”