Heartland Academy scholars stay busy promoting program

In its second year, the students of the Heartland Scholars Academy experienced a busy fall sharing highlights of and promoting the program to Mizzou audiences around the country.
In early October, scholar Chela Hernandez-Cain and Sue Engelhardt, who, with her husband Irl, established the Heartland Scholars Academy, joined Dean Ajay Vinze at the Jefferson Club event in St. Louis (pictured above). Vinze, Engelhardt and Hernandez-Cain all spoke about the Heartland Scholars Academy to the group assembled.
In November, scholar Sevanna Rowland joined Trulaske Director of Enrichment Programs and Strategic Initiatives Mary Beth Marrs onstage at the World of Coca‑Cola in Atlanta for a conversation highlighting the Heartland Scholars Academy at an Our Time to Lead event for the Mizzou Alumni Association.
To wrap up the semester, 11 scholars traveled to Dallas to join Mizzou Chancellor Alexander Cartwright and the Engelhardts at a second Our Time to Lead reception for the Mizzou Alumni Association. This event centered on the Heartland Scholars Academy and featured a poster gallery on the visiting Heartland Scholars and the Engelhardts.