Nate Kelly
Current Role/Title:
President, ChartSwap – I’m responsible for the growth and delivery of a software product that connects the legal and life insurance industries with the healthcare industry.
What is something fascinating happening in your industry right now?
I’ve worked in healthcare IT since 2005 and truly believe working to systemically improve healthcare in the US is one of the most difficult challenges that exists across all industries. There are many reasons for this including the nature of how healthcare delivery organizations are legally formed and compete, the complexity in the payment system that includes government and third parties, and the incredible expansion of medical knowledge. On that last point, in 1950 it was estimated medical knowledge doubled every 50 years, by 2010 the doubling rate was 3.5 years, by 2020 medical knowledge doubled in volume every 73 days.
As healthcare data has become more digitized and technology advancements like cloud computing and artificial intelligence have taken hold we’ve seen an explosion of investment and new entrants into the healthcare IT landscape, all working to improve the delivery or business processes of healthcare. To me, the most fascinating and rewarding part of working in healthcare IT comes in engaging the thousands of companies now in the industry and learning their varied approaches to improve healthcare for patients, caregivers, providers, payers, and healthcare delivery organizations.
How did you end up in your current position?
After 16 years at one company I left to join a venture backed firm in healthcare IT in 2021. That company was sold in early 2023 and I found myself in the job market shortly after. A headhunter contacted me about the position I am now in which I accepted after going through their interview process.
In what ways has your Mizzou education/affiliation impacted your life since graduation?
I have a very solid network of interesting people doing great things across industries as a result of my time at Mizzou; some are incredible friends I will hold dear for the rest of my life. With that network I have access to incredible thinkers and individuals willing to help me address business challenges in new ways.
I’m a member of the Crosby MBA Advisory Board. I’ve appreciated the opportunity to stay connected with the university and hopefully give back to an organization that did so much for me.
Why did you choose Mizzou—what makes Mizzou special? Why should someone consider Mizzou?
When I was looking at which graduate school I wanted to attend I made a trip to Columbia and visited campus. Cornell Hall was a brand new building, the MBA program staff were amazing and valued my previous experiences, it was a perfect fall day in a wonderful college town. It just felt right for me. The people at Mizzou really care about the students that make their way through those classrooms. Anyone willing to make the investment of effort in their future will find people at Mizzou willing to match that investment.
Fondest memories while a student or faculty member here?
I learned a lot about financial management in small businesses working as a graduate assistant at the Missouri Innovation Center. That kind of practical education was incredibly exciting for me. I also enjoyed Saturdays at Faurot Field.
In your spare time, what do you like to do?
I have two sons ages 7 and 9. They are very active, specifically in youth sports. Most Saturdays you will find me on a baseball field, football field, or a gymnasium cheering them on. The Kelly boys are also fisherman so when not playing sports there is a good chance you will find us at a local fishing hole. I love to travel and see more parts of the US and the world.