NASBITE International
NASBITE International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on the advancement of trade education and professionalism in support of global business. Specifically, NASBITE is the leading authority for global business education, trade credentialing, training and practice, and NASBITE is also the steward of the Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) credential. NASBITE has nearly 2000 CGBPs and members in the United States, Canada and Mexico who work as trade assistance providers, managers in exporting companies and experts in a wide range of service-oriented companies that support international trade.
The Export-Import Bank of the United States
The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) is the official export credit agency of the United States. EXIM is an independent, self-sustaining federal agency that supports American jobs by financing the export of U.S. goods and services—at no cost to American taxpayers. When businesses in the United States, or their customers, are unable to secure export financing from the private sector (e.g., due to political or economic uncertainty), EXIM fills in the gap by equipping American businesses with the tools to compete for global sales.
The Missouri International Trade & Investment Office
The Missouri International Trade & Investment Office (ITI) is the lead agency for export assistance and trade promotion in the State of Missouri. The ITI is a full-service agency with 12 foreign offices in key world markets that assist to discharge the products and services offered to Missouri exporters. These include: Trade Counseling, Agent/Distributor Search, Business Protocol, Customized Market Research, Export Finance, International Trade Shows, Customized Company Trade Missions, Trade Leads, Certificate of Free Sale/Export Documentation, Missouri Export Directory, Export Due Diligence Support and Business Protocol. ITI has foreign office locations in Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, and Malaysia.
Missouri Enterprise
Missouri Enterprise is a leading resource dedicated to supporting and empowering manufacturers in Missouri. By leveraging federal and state funding, they assist small and medium-sized manufacturers in achieving success through comprehensive services, expert guidance, and a vast network of public and private resources. With offices strategically located across the state, Missouri Enterprise caters to the diverse needs of manufacturers in both rural and urban areas, offering a range of specialized solutions including business growth, continuous improvement, supplier development, sustainability, and workforce solutions.
The Missouri Department of Agriculture
The Missouri Department of Agriculture, located in Jefferson City, Mo., is dedicated to the promotion and protection of the state’s agriculture industry. With nearly 100,000 farms on more than 28 million acres of farmland, the state’s Department of Agriculture works to connect farmers with consumers. Nearly 90% of Missouri’s farms are family owned, and our family farms are committed to producing a safe and secure food supply for customers locally and globally. Additionally, more than one in every ten Missouri jobs are in agriculture and forestry.
University of Missouri Extension
University of Missouri Extension is the outreach arm of the University of Missouri system, charged with taking the university’s research-based knowledge to the people of the state. University of Missouri Extension holds the contracts from the federal government for the Missouri Small Business & Technology Development Centers and the Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, matching federal dollars and subcontracting with other institutions for the delivery of the business development programs. Extension’s major focus areas, in addition to business development, are agriculture and natural resources, community development, continuing education, 4-H youth development and human environmental sciences.
The Iowa Economic Development Authority’s (IEDA) International Trade Office (ITO) is the lead agency for export assistance and trade promotion in the State of Iowa. The ITO provides various services to Iowa companies interested in, or currently exporting, including individual consultation, educational seminars, international trade shows and missions, financial assistance programs and market assistance. Iowa has foreign offices in Asia, Europe, Israel, and Latin America; providing direct representation in 34 countries. Some offices focus exclusively on trade promotion or foreign investment attraction, and others serve both functions. Services offered through this network include general market information, industry and market research, partner search, customized business appointments and follow-up services.
Missouri Small Business Development Center
The Missouri Small Business Development Center (SBDC) helps business owners make confident decisions through personalized one-on-one assistance. SBDC services are available to for-profit businesses at any stage, from concept to startup, growth to renewal, mature to succession in all 114 counties of the state, and the city of St. Louis. Business specialists are here to help you succeed at every stage in your business’s lifecycle. The program is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, institutions of higher education, economic development organizations and other public and private funding partners.
Illinois Small Business Development Centers
Since 1984, the Illinois Small Business Develop Centers (SBDC) have provided Illinois businesses with management, marketing and financial guidance to help them succeed. The SBDCs assist with the development of business and marketing plans; help improve business ownership skills; assist with the financial analysis of businesses; and provide specialized services including export and government marketing and other business management needs. The Illinois SBDC Network has 32 locations throughout the state and is funded in part by the State of Illinois, the U.S. Small Business Administration and the U.S. Department of Defense.
Oklahoma Small Business Development Center
The Oklahoma Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides confidential, high quality, no cost entrepreneurial and small business management advising in order to help Oklahoma start and grow businesses. The Center for International Trade Development/SBDC at Oklahoma State University works with businesses to enhance their global success through customized research, networking, training and advising/counseling. We are committed to growing Oklahoma's economy one small business at a time.
Iowa Small Business Development Center
The Iowa Small Business Development Center (SBDC) supports the collaborative economic development of Iowa by providing entrepreneurs and businesses with individual consultation and educational resources necessary to assist their businesses to succeed. With staff located in 15 regional business assistance centers, the Iowa SBDC is committed to being an innovative source for empowering business success in Iowa.
Tennessee Small Business Development Center
For over 30 years, the Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC) network has been empowering small business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals with a business idea to innovate new products and services that compete in the global marketplace. The TSBDC is comprised of a network of certified professional business counselors conveniently located communities all across the state. The network includes - 20 locations; 14 of which are service centers, 5 are satellite offices, and 1 is an affiliate office.
The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center
The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBDC) assists entrepreneurs with every aspect of business creation, management, and operation, offering consulting and market research services plus educational programs and events. Funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration in partnership with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and seven other state universities, ASBTDC's network of offices serves small businesses from any county in Arkansas, in any industry sector, at any stage of development.
Kansas Department of Commerce
The Kansas Department of Commerce is the leading economic development agency in the state. Their goal is to enhance the business climate by brining businesses to the state and assisting businesses that already call Kansas home. The Kansas Department of Commerce’s International Division provides Kansas exporters with global insight and connections to grow their international business opportunities.
Kansas Small Business and Technology Development Center
The mission of the Kansas Small Business Development Center is to grow Kansas, one business at a time. Growth in sales, profitability, and employment by small businesses across the state is achieved through advising, provision of specialized analytical tools and research, and training of entrepreneurs and small businesses. The Kansas SBDC is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Nebraska Small Business Development Center
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program of Nebraska Business Development Center (NBDC) is a resource for small business creation and expansion in Nebraska. The Nebraska SBDC offers confidential consulting services to entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to start and grow their enterprises or to transition companies to the next generation of ownership. SBDC consulting services are offered at no or low cost to those interested in operating a for-profit business in Nebraska.
World Trade Center St. Louis
For more than 20 years, as the international division of St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, World Trade Center St. Louis (WTC) has supported growth for the region’s businesses, most importantly, ensuring St. Louis companies are represented in an increasingly global marketplace. From customized research to trade training, hosting inbound/outbound delegations and managing St. Louis’ Foreign Trade Zone, WTC brings together a strong system of business and government agencies to support trade and investment and enhance St. Louis’ global connectivity.
World Trade Center Kansas City
The mission of the World Trade Center – Kansas City (WTC-KC) is to facilitate international trade in Greater Kansas City by connecting, educating, and providing services to the regional business community necessary to compete in the global marketplace. The WTC-KC participates in the Global Cities Initiative and leads the implementation efforts of Kansas City’s Metro Export Plan. Part of the export plan, the signature, Export Concierge program, is designed to connect businesses with the resources needed to complete successfully in the global marketplace. WTC-KC works to support and enhance a prosperous export economy, thereby accelerating Kansas City’s economic development and global identity.
Kansas Global Trade Services
Kansas Global Trade Services helps companies nationwide to be confident in their international sales expansion. We strive to bring clarity to businesses in every step of the export process and customize our services to each company’s unique needs. Companies use our services to enter new markets, grow export sales, and become confident exporters. Our award-winning services include export compliance consulting, training, and services; foreign market intelligence from on-ground partners; foreign partner search, screening, and selection; customized strategy development; market entry assistance; and in-depth, customized market research.
Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the largest business association in Missouri and is the 2019 State Chamber of the Year. In 2020, the Chamber launched the Manufacturing Alliance, a dedicated effort to better serve Missouri’s manufacturing sector in the areas of policy, programing, communication, innovation and talent development. Together with the Missouri Chamber Federation, the Missouri Chamber represents more than 75,000 employers.
Food Export Association of the Midwest USA
Food Export Association of the Midwest USA (Food Export-Midwest) is a non-profit organization composed of 13 Midwestern state agricultural promotion agencies that provide U.S. companies with the programs and services needed to export and sell their products internationally.
Arkansas District Export Council
The Arkansas District Export Council (DEC), a 501(c)(6) organization, is one of over 60 District Export Councils (DECs) nationwide, whose members are appointed by the Secretary of Commerce. The DEC’s mission is to promote and support international trade activities and awareness throughout the State of Arkansas. Members and Associates are either Exporters or Export Service Providers who provide advice and counsel about foreign markets, effective and innovative market strategies, and conduct and participate in export education workshops and seminars throughout the State. For the past ten years, The Arkansas DEC has presented the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Global Trade to outstanding businesses throughout the state.
United States Heartland China Association
United States Heartland China Association (USHCA) is a 501(c)3 grass-roots bipartisan organization committed to building bridges and promoting opportunities between the peoples of the Heartland region and China. USHCA's mission is to foster and support a positive, productive, and mutually beneficial relationship between the people of the United States and China by creating more channels of collaboration and opportunities for economic growth in all segments of the American Heartland Region.
Missouri District Export Council
The Missouri District Export Council (DEC) is a private, non-profit organization that brings together experienced international business people who provide guidance and assistance to Missouri-based businesses interested in growing export sales. The DEC also works closely with professionals of the U.S. Department of Commerce in St Louis for the benefit of our Missouri exporting community.
Nebraska District Export Council
The Nebraska District Export council is one of 60 District Export Councils (DECs) across the country closely affiliated with the US Commercial Service (USCS). The Nebraska DEC plays a key role in the planning and coordination of export promotion activities in the state. DEC members are appointed to the position by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. As lead organizations serving the international business community and working together with the US Commercial Service, the mission of the DECs is to facilitate the development of an effective local export assistance network, support the expansion of export opportunities for local US companies, serve as a communication link between the business community and USCS, and assist in coordinating the activities of trade assistance partners to leverage available resources.
Oklahoma District Export Council
The Oklahoma District Export Council is composed of business leaders, international trade professionals, academic experts and government personnel, each appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. The Council Members’ collective international business knowledge and expertise provide a valuable resource to assist Oklahoma companies to reach international customers, maneuver in those markets and increase international sales. The District Export Council is closely affiliated with the U.S. Commerce Department’s Export Assistance Centers and the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service. This partnership provides not only expert international business advice, but also trade counseling, advocacy, market intelligence and business matchmaking services.
REDI is a collaborative public-private partnership committed to attract, expand and grow business opportunities to create high-quality jobs in Columbia and Boone County, Missouri. REDI coordinates the area’s economic development activities to enhance the community's economic base while preserving its exceptional quality of life, and is accredited by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC).
Missouri Division of Tourism
At the Missouri Division of Tourism, we showcase Missouri experiences through compelling storytelling to inspire travel, support healthy communities and strengthen our economy. Through a paid advertising program, the Division promotes Missouri experiences, thereby creating a positive image of the Show-Me State and increasing visitation and length of stay. In fiscal year 2022, the tourism industry in Missouri generated $16 billion in consumer spending and supported more than 280,000 jobs.
Kentucky District Export Council
The Kentucky District Export Council’s goal is to share information about international trade education at the community level and support how it would benefit our KY communities. The pillars of the network are to inform, educate, advocate, and assist local members in becoming successful exporters, working in collaboration with the US Department of Commerce and relevant stakeholders. The local chapters (DECs) consist of local community leaders from businesses, governments, and universities. Members are appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce and work closely with U.S. Commercial Service and U.S. exporters to leverage their knowledge of international business as a source of professional advice for local firms seeking to expand global sales.
Mid-America District Export Council
The Mid-America District Export Council(MADEC) is one of the 61 District Export Councils established by the U.S. Department of Commerce across the United States. It’s mission is to inform, educate, advocate, and support Mid-American companies to become successful exporters, working in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Commerce in its western Missouri & Kansas region.

Other Federal Participants
U.S. Commercial Service
As the export promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Commercial Service (USCS) works every day to grow U.S. exports to increase U.S. jobs. With global relationships and expertise in every major industry sector, USCS leverages the strength of the U.S. government to support U.S. company export growth through strategy development; partner background checks; in-country matchmaking through our flagship Gold Key Service (and other programs) to connect U.S. companies to the right partners; counseling with U.S. and international based staff on export regulations and compliance; overseas product promotion; and trade show support. USCS has a network of trade professionals ready to assist your company. U.S. companies can find USCS trade professionals to assist them in over 100 U.S. cities and in more than 75 countries to help them increase sales to new global markets. For more information, please visit:
SBA’s Office of International Trade
SBA’s Office of International Trade (OIT) enables small business expansion into the global economy. Three main avenues to accomplish this are 1) The State Trade Expansion Program, which provides grants to small businesses through State trade offices to help businesses begin or expand exporting; 2) A trade hotline and Fast Track Service for small businesses to discuss unique challenges with going global and identify potential resource solutions, via; and 3) Access to capital to support global sales growth through a nationwide network of Export Finance Managers housed in U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEACs) around the country.
SBA’s participation in this activity is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products or services of any person or entity. All SBA programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.