Loren Nikolai is the E&Y Professor Emeritus in the School of Accountancy at the University of Missouri (MU) in Columbia, where he taught for over 40 years. He taught introductory accounting, intermediate accounting, financial case analysis, and accounting policy. Nikolai received his BA and MBA from St. Cloud State University and his PhD from the University of Minnesota, and is a CPA.
Nikolai had many years of service, including being:
- President of the Federation of Schools of Accountancy (FSA) in 1994 and Director of Education for the American Accounting Association in 1985-1987
- Director of 150-Hour Program and Masters Program, School of Accountancy at the University of Missouri, 2002-2008
- Lead author of Intermediate Accounting, with John Bazley and Jeff Jones (11th edition, January 2010, Cengage Learning) and co-author of Accounting: Information for Business Decisions, with Billie Cunningham (4th edition, 2014, Cengage Learning)
- Author of many articles published in The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Education, Management Accounting, The Accounting Educator’s Journal, The CPA Journal, Policy Analysis, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Research, and other professional journals
- Faculty Vice President of the Beta Alpha Psi chapter at MU for 20 years
- Member of Mystical 7 Honorary Society
- A 7-handicap golfer, piano player, and punster
Loren Nikolai and his wife, Anita (a professional artist), have been married for more than 50 years and have two adult children and two cats. They are the proud grandparents of 4 grandsons and 4 adult step children.
Nikolai received his BA and MBA from St. Cloud State University and his PhD from the University of Minnesota, and is a CPA.
Recipient of a Kappa Alpha Theta 2011Twin Stars Professor Award, an MU Student-Athlete Advisory Council 2004 Most Inspiring Professor Award, a Beta Alpha Psi (MU chapter) 2002 Certificate of Merit, the University of Missouri System 1999 Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching, the College of Business and Public Administration 1998 Teacher of the Year Award, the MU Alumni Association 1996 Faculty Award, the MU 1992 Kemper Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching, and the FSA 1989 Faculty Award of Merit