Van Iddekinge, C. H., Arnold, J. D., Lang, J., Lievens, F., & Aguinis, H. (2023). Work effort: A conceptual and meta-analytic review. Journal of Management, 49 (1), 125-157.

John Arnold
John Arnold is an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at the Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business, University of Missouri. Arnold completed his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Florida State University in the spring of 2020. His primary research interests focus on topics of human resources staffing. In particular, his projects address questions related to how organizations make hiring decisions, including the methods organizations use to evaluate job applicants, the types of employees organizations recruit, and how organizational decisions affect who applies to jobs in the first place. His research has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, and the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. It also has been featured in the Harvard Business Review and won the Best Paper award for the Human Resources Division at the 2018 Academy of Management.
His research stems directly from his prior work experiences. Following a degree in History from Auburn University and a Master of Divinity from Asbury Seminary, he consulted with non-profit organizations and discovered a passion for understanding the challenges that managers and employees encounter. During his MBA program at the University of Georgia, he designed and began testing an employee selection tool to provide non-profits greater confidence and clarity in the hiring process. Through this work, he discovered that he loves advancing knowledge by developing and testing ideas, and he saw an opportunity to make a difference in the area of staffing.
Ph.D.: Florida State University, 2020
MBA: The University of Georgia, 2015
Master of Divinity: Asbury Theological Seminary, 2010
Bachelor of Arts: Auburn University, 2005
Roth, P. L., Arnold, J. D., Walker, H. J., Zhang, L., & Van Iddekinge, C. H. (2022). Organizational political affiliation and job seekers: If I don’t identify with your party, am I still attracted? Journal of Applied Psychology, 107 (5), 724-745.
Arnold, J. D., Van Iddekinge, C. H., Campion, M. C., Bauer, T., & Campion, M. A. (2020). Welcome back? Job performance and turnover of boomerang employees compared to internal and external hires. Journal of Management.
Zhang, L., Van Iddekinge, C. H., Arnold, J. D., Roth, P. L., Lievens, F., Lanivich, S. E., & Jordan, S. L. (2020). What’s on job seekers’ social media sites? A content analysis and effects of structure on recruiter judgments and predictive validity. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Gabriel, A. S., Koopman, J., Rosen, C. C., Arnold, J. D., & Hochwarter, W. (2020). Are coworkers getting into the act? An examination of emotion regulation in coworker exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 907-929.