Image: Brandi Herrman

Brandi Herrman

Adjunct Marketing Professor

Brandi Herrman has 20 years of experience in public relations, marketing, and communications. She has spent much of her career in higher education and nonprofit organizations, and more recently, works directly with small-business owners to help them visualize their goals and move closer to them with her business Brandi Herrman Communications.

Herrman dabbles in all things digital -- from web design (WordPress) to digital advertising (Google Ads, social media ads) and digital analytics (Google Analytics, Facebook Business Manager). She’s also first and foremost, a writer and has been since her teen years.

Herrman has worked in media relations for nearly a decade working with others to tell compelling stories for her clients. She studied at Wichita State University for her undergrad degree in Integrated Marketing Communciations. She came to mid-Missouri to earn a master’s degree in strategic communication through the MU journalism school (Go, Mizzou!).

Herrman worked as a full-time college professor for six years and now continues to teach when she can – in and around her client work. She loves what she does and loves teaching others as well.
