Trulaske hosts Spring 2020 International Week

Image: Shannon Breske presents to students in Cornell Hall.

The Trulaske International Relations Office had another successful International Week held on February 24-27, 2020.

More than 300 students participated in the EDGE-approved events that focused on history, culture and business in the European Union, South Africa and Peru. Additional workshops focused on volunteering abroad and highlighting global experiences in the job application process. The event allowed students to learn from faculty in the Trulaske College of Business as well as members of the community.

Image: Miguel Ayllon and Sixto Montesinos Sanchez.
Miguel Ayllon (left) and Sixto Montesinos Sanchez.

This semester also offered a new event, International Week Etiquette Dinner. Miguel Ayllon, MU Director of Study Abroad  and assistant director of the MU International Center and Chef Sixto Montesinos Sanchez taught 39 students about business and culture in Peru while enjoying a traditional Peruvian meal, after which, the Study Abroad office announced the launch of its new winter program to Peru beginning 2020-2021.