MU Collegiate DECA Excels at International Career Development Conference

In April, 18 members of University of Missouri Collegiate DECA participated in the International Career Development Conference (ICDC), which was held virtually.
By participating in the conference, DECA members had the opportunity to attend sessions to learn more about their chosen professions, participate in virtual challenges and connect with more than 1,500 other collegiate members from across the country and around the world.
During the competition phase of the conference, University of Missouri Collegiate DECA members actively demonstrated their knowledge and skills by putting into practice what they are learning together as a team and in their classrooms.
All 11 of the Mizzou College DECA students who advanced to the final rounds placed in the competition.
Mizzou Collegiate DECA Advisor Lindsay Hing said she was impressed by the students’ performance, particularly in light of an unusual and challenging year.
“I am beyond overjoyed at what these student have accomplished this year,” she said. “Their dedication to DECA and putting the team first made overcoming challenges during a pandemic achievable. They completely crushed the competition and all 11 finalists placed, which is phenomenal.”
DECA students appreciated the opportunity to grow as business professionals while showcasing what they have learned at Mizzou and through DECA.
“Collegiate DECA, both at state and ICDC level, has given me a way to show my business skill strengths and find ways that I can continue to grow and move forward in business professional settings,” Ashley Swaters, a junior who won first place in Sales Management, said. “ICDC showed that there is so much potential in the business professionals who will transition into the workplace soon. I’ve learned so much from the experience and I’m so grateful to have an amazing team and advisor at Mizzou to compete alongside!”
The following students placed in the competition:
First Place
Jacob Rush and Mason Williams - Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business
Fiona Thurow - Marketing Management
Ashley Swaters - Sales Management Meeting
Second Place
Alexis Daigle - Marketing Management
Taylor Hayes - Entrepreneurship Operations
Third Place
Taylor Hayes - Entrepreneurship Challenge
Fifth Place
Davis Kendrick - Hotel & Lodging
Sixth Place
Sophie Kovalenko - Restaurant and Food Service Management
Garred Oldham and Mariah Lawrence - Business Research Operations
Ninth Place
Nicole Overbay - Retail Management
Top Exam Finalists in Individual Events
Taylor Hayes - Entrepreneurship Operations
Davis Kendrick - Hotel & Lodging
Alexis Daigle – Marketing Management
Fiona Thurow - Marketing Management
Sophie Kovalenko - Restaurant and Food Service Management
Nichole Overbay - Retail Management
Ashley Swaters - Sales Management Meeting
Top Presentation Finalists in Individual Events
Alexis Daigle - Marketing Management
Overall Individual Event Finalists
Taylor Hayes - Entrepreneurship Operations
Davis Kendrick - Hotel & Lodging
Alexis Daigle – Marketing Management
Fiona Thurow - Marketing Management
Sophie Kovalenko - Restaurant and Food Service Management
Nichole Overbay - Retail Management
Ashley Swaters - Sales Management Meeting
Prepared Presentation Finalists
Garred Oldham and Mariah Lawrence - Business Research
Jacob Rush and Mason Williams - Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business
Top Three Trophy Winners
Entrepreneurship Operations
Second place: Taylor Hayes
Marketing Management
First place: Fiona Thurow
Second place: Alexis Daigle
Sales Management Meeting
First place: Ashley Swaters
Entrepreneurship – Starting a Business
First place: Jacob Rush and Mason Williams