#MizzouMade: Crosby MBA graduate starts Venture Incubator in Kosovo

Fis Malesori, a spring 2017 Crosby MBA graduate, is already running a new venture incubator in his home country of Kosovo. Upon graduation, he was given the opportunity to found and develop an Entrepreneurship and Innovation center at the national research university of Kosovo, the University of Prishtina, which has more than 50,000 students. VentureUP, the official University of Prishtina Venture Incubator, brings students together in a creative, results-driven environment to activate economic growth, meaningful employment and sustainable living through its four programs: Incubation, Experiential Learning, Social Impact and Research and Development Program.
“Thanks to the experiences I had at Mizzou, at the Innovation Center and the classes I took, I've been able to put to practice my skills acquired during my time there in the best possible way,” Fis said. “I am grateful for the Crosby MBA experience.”