Laura Carroz receives the the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Region 7 Excellence in Advising Certificate of Merit

Laura Carroz, Coordinator of Scholarships, has been honored by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) with the Region 7 Excellence in Advising Certificate of Merit (Primary Role).
According NACADA, the award “recognizes individuals whose primary role at the institution is the direct delivery of advising services to students.” The criteria for the award includes interpersonal/human relations skills, professional practices, documented success and documented advisor development.
Region 7 is composed of schools from Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas.
Laura, who holds degrees in Biology and Psychology from the University of Missouri, joined the Trulaske College of Business in 2008 as an Academic Advisor. Last April, she won the MU Excellence in Advising Award.