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Thorstein Holt, President

Holtec Gas Systems

The International Trade Center market research report was impressive with well-considered, fact-driven, conclusions based on an amazing compilation of data.

"The International Trade Center market research report was impressive with well-considered, fact-driven, conclusions based on an amazing compilation of data. It was a level of detail that we simply would not have acquired left to our own resources. And of equal importance for both the students and their audience, the final review was conducted with professionalism worthy of any corporate environment. On a planning level, the data in the report enriches our thinking with respect to international markets. At the execution level, the report identifies specific companies in specific countries who are likely candidates for our products. With this information we will be working with MO-DED representatives to see if they can connect us to individual personnel. The students did the ground work and we will build on this with more details to turn their effort into new nitrogen generator sales and more export from Missouri to other countries in the world."