b'ADVISORS, ALUMNI AND FRIENDSAlumni & Friends UpdateIn MemoriamDr. Art Jago was an active part of the Mizzou family serving multiple roles Let us hear from you including that of Department of Management Chairperson within Trulaske and Faculty Council Representative at the University campus level. He completed Please take time to complete the Alumni Update form provided on this his doctorate at Yale and began teaching at the University of Houston before page and return to us. Alumni information we report depends greatly onbeing awarded two Senior Fulbright Awards to teach at Johannes Kepler feedback received from each alumnus regarding developments in his/her University in Linz, Austria. Dr. Jago went on to direct Spains first MBA program life and career. Also, we welcome ideas on improving future editions ofand developed an impressive international teaching career.Management Matters. If there is insufficient space on the form to make In 1994, Dr. Jago moved to Columbia where he assumed the role of tenured all of your comments, feel free to include an additional page(s) and extendprofessor and chair of the management department. He retired after nearly your remarks. And, of course, any financial assistance you can provide will beScan the QR code to add 30 years but remained active as an emeritus professor. He was an excel-very helpful and very much appreciated. or update your information.Arthur G. Jago (Art) lent teacher, leader, researcher, and colleague. Most importantly, he was an1953-2023 outstanding human being and will be truly missed.NameYes, I would like to support theManagement Department Programs. I met Art almost 40 years ago on my first day of graduate school when I took Home Address I am enclosing $/pledging a class he was teaching. Approximately 10 years later Art was a candidate for our departments chair position. and I was very pleased when he accepted that an amount of role. As such I was able to work with Art for many years before he, and then I, E-mailretired. I appreciated working with Art as he was an excellent colleague and$10,000 $5,000 (Pledges, other than mentor to me. He approached his profession with a high-quality orientation Employer $2,500 $1,000 Jefferson Club or and strived, and succeeded, in making a positive difference with his actions. Business Position/Title $500 $100 Davenport Society One of his passions was faculty governance and he served on the Faculty commitments, should Council as both a faculty member and a retiree. Art had high standards at work$50 Other be completed within coupled with a good sense of humor. Importantly, he was a good person. I feel $_____ 5 years.) fortunate to have worked and socialized with him. I enjoyed our time together Employers Addressand will miss him.I would like my gift to be used to: Daniel B. Turban provide for faculty development Professor EmeritusDepartment of Management News About You provide for Teaching Excellence Robert J. Trulaske College of Business (recent promotions, provide for scholarships for qualified andUniversity of Missouri professional attainments, etc.) deserving students provide general support for the Management programs other (please designate) Suggestions forChecks should be made payable to the MUfuture articlesManagement Department Excellence Fund and (who or what would you like toinclude an indication of the purpose for which theread about?) gift is intended.Please return this form and/or your check to:Department ChairpersonManagement403 Cornell HallUniversity of MissouriColumbia, MO 65211Contributions may also be made online atgiving.missouri.eduan equal opportunity institution32 MANAGEMENT MATTERSMANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 2023 ANNUAL REPORT'