b'DEPARTMENT OUTREACHA Hands-On Approach:TEACHING MANAGEMENT THROUGH LIVE CLIENTSThe idea that experience is the greatest teacher is nothing new, and it is undoubtedly true. In the management areas of entrepreneurship and busi-ness consulting, Professor Tonya Ford brings expe-rience into the classroom by carefully guiding her students through a variety of actual cases with partnered business clients, local to global.The Truslaske Consulting Association welcomesOSHER@MIZZOU: THE DARK WEBFacilitating Entrepreneurship & InnovationAt the undergraduate level, Professor Ford collab- 70 new graduate and undergraduate members orates with the local Regional Economic Develop- during the 2022-23 academic year. The new ment, Inc (REDI) and 1 Million Cups to pair new andexecutive board is comprised of:aspiring business founders with small student teamsJack Kish PresidentBY KEVIN REAPE Professor Christianson, What exactly is the dark web?to create well-developed business plans.Michael EllingerPast President Nathan VirtueVice PresidentArticle courtesy of Show Me Mizzou. When you browse the web, IP addresses and other information about your Through the course, students learn the many intri- Grant Dubois Treasurer University of Missouri Extension aims to improveconnection to the internet are revealed. These can be used to identify both cacies of new business planning and can imme- the computer you are using and the computer hosting the material you are diately apply these lessons to their specific clientHighlights of the year included a multi-tieredlives, businesses and communities by focusingaccessing. Your IP address and connection information can be used to deter-situation.At the end of the course, students deliverconsulting project working with alumni ownerson solving Missouris grand challenges aroundmine your location worldwide (sometimes down to the meter).a complete business plan and pitch presentationKim and Lance Lanier on their strategic busi- economic opportunity, educational access, and to the class and to their clients to use as they growness expansion. The association also welcomedhealth and well-being. One MU Extension program,The dark web refers to websites accessed using special routing techniques their businesses.speakers from Bain & Company and Ernst &Osher@Mizzou, provides accessible educationalthat allow the user and the website to be anonymous to each other (and Young. opportunities to adults age 50 and older throughanyone monitoring the transmission between the user and the web server). Due to the popularity of the experiential courses,coursestaughtbyexpertsacrossdifferentThis technology is called The Onion Router, or TOR, and websites on the dark the program is growing to include more clientsStudent enthusiasm keeps this associationindustries. web have weird URLs that end in .onion.each semester and a new course, Consulting Toolsgrowing, and they look forward to more proj-& Strategies, has been launched to give undergrad- ects and speakers in the coming year. To learnMr. Rice, How did your Bachelor of Science in business administration prepare uate students evermore opportunities to put theirmore about how you can get involved, email usyou to turn your interest in cybersecurity into a career?learning in practice to the benefit of the businessat mizzoutca@gmail.com. The business major is a critical asset allowing me to stand out amongst a talented community. and often more technically skilled applicant pool. Companies love that I have MBA Business Consulting Clients List the social skills and business understanding that come with a business degree At the masters level, students are offered the oppor- and the technical skills from my minor and certificate.tunity to collaborate with a variety of businesses Central BankMetal Me Mr. Rice and Professor Christianson, Why should people understand how ranging from local to global. Students learn the step-Cerner CorporationMissouri Businessthe Dark Web works and whats happening there?wise approach to bulletproof problem solving and Columbia Academy Alerts Mr. Rice: As a cybersecurity professional, it is important to monitor the dark immediately apply the theoretical knowledge into for LearningMyas GourmetJ. Scott Christianson Jake Rice, BS BA 22 web to gain insights into the techniques and strategies employed by hackers specific practice. Over the semester, students workEnrichment Popcorn J. Scott Christianson, an Associate Teachingand hacktivists, those who hack driven by political or societal concerns. directly with their clients to find and address the rootProfessor of Management at the Trulaske College of their business issues while providing sustainable Columbia BrandingParty Perfectly of Business, is known for his engaging classesProf C: Remaining anonymous online isnt solely reserved for malicious activities. solutions. At the end of the course, students present Cushman & WakefieldPeggy Jeans Pies within the Osher program. Recently, he collabo- It is crucial for whistleblowers, activists, and political dissenters, particularly their clients with a thorough consulting report andrated with a former student, Jake Rice, BS BA 22,those residing under oppressive governments. This is why institutions like the accompanying presentation to demonstrate their EquipmentShareShelter/Say Insurance CIA, Facebook, the BBC, and others sustain a TOR site, facilitating anonymous mastery. Foodtruck YourselfSt. Nicholas Academy who has since become a Cyber Security Analystuser posts.with Exelon. Together, they orchestrated an Osher In this long-standing program, students have deliv-FoxAEShow-Me Heatingworkshop exploring The Dark Web, a sector ofMr. Rice, What was it like to co-teach this course alongside one of your ered more than 500 consulting projects to satisfied& Air the internet often linked with illicit activities butformer professors? clients, providing valuable business consultation GOPO Popcorn also used for several legitimate purposes. Together across industry sectors. For more information about KOPN RadioShow-Me Organics they answered a few questions about the dark webI love working with Scott. He was one of my favorite and most influential the program and opportunities to engage, please Tiger Towing for Show Me Mizzou.professors during my time at Mizzou. Hes incredibly knowledgeable, so I wasLanier & Co. a little intimidated to teach beside him.contact Tonya Ford at tonya.ford@missouri.edu.Wreckage Sport MASU10 MANAGEMENT MATTERSMANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 2023 ANNUAL REPORT 11'