b'FACULTY RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTSBOOKS, JOURNAL ARTICLES AND CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AUTHORED OR CO-AUTHOREDBY MANAGEMENT FACULTY2021-2023JOEL ANDRUSParuchuri, S., Han, J.-H., & Prakash, P. 2021. Salient expecta- Schaubroeck J. M., Demirtas, O., Peng, A. C., & Pei, D. (2022).Peoples, J., Trick, S., and Ross, A. Driver Turnover in the Andrus, J., Callery, P., Grandy, J. (In Press) Appealing to thetions? Incongruence across capability and integrity signalsI am affirmed, but are We? Social identity prrocesses influ- Trucking Industry: Whats the Cost of Reducing Driver Quit wrong stakeholder? The uneven returns of transparency inand investor reactions to organizational misconduct. Academyencing refugees work initiative and community embedded- Rates? , Transportation Economics, Research in Transporta-voluntary disclosures. Organization & Environment.of Management Journal, 64: 562-586.ness. Academy of Management Journal, 65(2), 403-426. tion Economics, Vol. 89, 101-129, 2021. JOHN ARNOLDHan, J.-H., & Pollock, T.G. The two towers (or somewhere inZeng, W.,, Su, N., Pan, Y., & Xiao, X. (2022). Vanke PortJOHN SCHAUBROECKPeng, A.C.Zhang, L., Van Iddekinge, C. H., Ployhart, R. E., Arnold, J. D.,between): The behavioral consequences of positional incon- Apartment: Making a Rental Homey with Digital TechnologyPeng, A. C., Schaubroeck, J., Kim, D., & Zeng, W. (accepted & Jordan, S. L. (in press). The definition and measurement ofsistency across status hierarchies. Academy of Management(Teaching case with the teaching note). Ivey Publishing. for publication in 2023). How is leadership maintained? A human capital resources: A content and meta-analytic review.Journal, 64(1): 86-113.Schaubroeck, J., Peng, A. C., Hannah, S. T., Ma, J., & Cianci, A.longitudinal mediation model linking informal leadership to Journal of Applied Psychology. RICK JOHNSON M. (2021). Struggling to meet the bar: Occupational progressupward voice through peer advice seeking. Forthcoming. Van Iddekinge, C. H., Arnold, J. D., Lang, J., Lievens, F., &Jiang, L, Yin, D, Dong, L & Johnson, R. The more enthusiastic,failure and informal leadership behavior.Journal of Applied PsychologyAcademy of Manage-Aguinis, H., (2023). Work effort: A conceptual and meta-an- the better? Unveiling a negative pathway from entrepreneursment Journal, 64(6), 1740-1762.Schaubroeck J. M., Demirtas, O., Peng, A. C., & Pei, D. (2022). alytic review. Journal of Management, 49(1), 125-157.displayed enthusiasm to funders funding intentions. Entre- Sempowski, M. & (Teaching case accepted for publi- I am affirmed, but are We? Social identity prrocesses influ-Peng, A.Roth, P. L., Arnold, J. D., Walker, H. J., Zhang, L., & Van Iddekinge,preneurship Theory & Practice (In Press).cation). Playing games with recruitment: PwCs decision toencing refugees work initiative and community embedded-C. H. (2022). Organizational political affiliation and job seekers:Chiu, S., Hoskisson, R.E., Pathak, S. & Johnson, R.A. Territo- use gamification for hiring (with Teaching Note).ness. Academy of Management Journal, 65(2), 403-426.If I dont identify with your party, am I still attracted?Journalrial behavior of long-tenured CEOs in restructuring firms: AnCHRIS ROBERTSchaubroeck, J. M., Peng, A. C., Hannah, S. T., Ma, J., & Cianci, of Applied Psychology, 107(5), 724-745examination of accountability as a moderating mechanism.Moake, T. R., & Robert, C. (in press). Gender, formal organiza- A. M. (2021) Struggling to meet the bar: Occupational prog-Arnold, J. D., Van Iddekinge, C. H., Campion, M. C., Bauer, T.,Leadership Quarterly (In Press).tional status and humor use: Perceptions of social acceptance.ress failure and informal leadership behavior. Academy of & Campion, M. A. (2021). Welcome back? Job performanceKIHYUNG KIM Journal of Managerial Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1108/ Management Journal, 64 (6), 1740-1762 and turnover of boomerang employees compared to internalK. Kim and L. Zhao, Filtering Facepiece Respirator SupplyJMP-11-2020-0593Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., Lord, R. G, Hannah, S.T., and external hires. Journal of Management, 47(8), 2198-2225.Chain Management Framework in a Disaster Such as COVID- Robert, C., & Wall, J. E. (2019). Humor in Civil Case Media- Schaubroek, J. M., Kozlowski, S. W. J. (in press). How leader (Featured in Harvard Business Review Feb. 2021).19, Societies, 2021, 11, 136.tions: A Functional Approach. Humor: International Journaland follower prototypical and antitypical attributes influence SHANNON BRESKEL. Zhao and K. Kim, Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic:of Humor Research, 32(3), 361-391.ratings of transformational leadership in an extreme context. Breske, S., Koedel, C., Parsons, E. (In Press) Field Interest andPractices and Strategies of the Global Clothing and TextileHuman Relations, 75 (3), 441-474 ANTHONY ROSSthe Choice of College Major. Economics Bulletin Value Chain, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 2021.Aydas O., Ross, A., Scanlon, M., and Aydas, B. Short-termCarmeli, A., Peng, A. C., Schaubroeck, J. M., Amir, I. (2021). J. SCOTT CHRISTIANSON ANN PENG Nurse Schedule Adjustments Under Dynamic Demand,Social support as a source of vitality among college students: J Scott Christianson. The Brave New World of Central BankPeng, A. C., Gao, R., & Wang, B., (accepted for publicationJournal of the Operational Research Society, forthcoming,The moderating role of social self-efficacy. Psychology in the Digital Currencies. Investments & Wealth Monitor. Jan/Febin 2023). Linking servant leadership to follower emotional2022.Schools, 58 (2), 351-363 2023.exhaustion through impression management. In press atAlavi, S., Petering, M., and Ross, A. Shipment ConsolidationXINRAN (JOYCE) WANGZamora, O., Christianson, J. S., & Khvorost, T. (2022, JuneJournal of Organizational Behavior. Scheduling and Inventory Control for a Two-Echelon SupplyWang, X., Reger, R. K., & Pfarrer, M. D. (2021). Faster, hotter, 20). Experience of Digital Tools Application for EducationPeng, A. C., Schaubroeck, J., Kim, D., & Zeng, W. (2023). How isChain, International Jrnl of Logistics Systems and Manage- and more linked in: Managing social disapproval in the social in Wartime Ukraine. Presented at DisCo 2022: Empoweringleadership maintained? A longitudinal mediation model linkingment, forthcoming, 2022.media era. Academy of Management Review, 46, 275298. Digital and Entrepreneurial Competences through E-learning,informal leadership to upward voice through peer adviceAydas, O., Ross, A., Parker, H., and Alavi, S. Using EfficiencyMedia coverage by Academy of Management Insights (2021). Prague, Czech Republic. seeking. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(5), 794-808. Frontiers to Visualise Suppliers Performance CapabilitiesDousing disapproval in the Social Media Era.; by Kelman Steve JUNG-HOON HAN Den Nieuwenboer, N. A., Kish-Gephart, J. J., Trevino, L. K.,Moving Beyond Supplier Rationalisation, Journal of Businessat fcw.com (11/01/2021), Dealing with negative information Han, J.-H., Pollock, T. G., Paruchuri, S. Goofus or Gallant? AnPeng, A. C. & Reychav, I. The dark side of status at work:Analytics, 2021. doi:10.1080/2573234X.2021.1999179about your organization in the social media age; by Academy attribution-based theory of misconduct spillover valence.perceived status importance, envy, and interpersonal devi- of Management YouTube channel (03/18/2021). Research in the Sociology of Organizations, forthcoming.ance. (accepted for publication in January 2022). Business Ethics Quarterly. 24 MANAGEMENT MATTERSMANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 2023 ANNUAL REPORT 25'