b'Faculty Activitieshave three children and own two martial arts schools inElaine Mauldin (PhD, Nebraska 97), Columbia. She loves reading, working out, and spendingis the BKD Distinguished Professor. She time with her family and friends. teaches a doctoral seminar on research methods and a graduate course using Inder Khurana (PhD, Arizona Statedata analytic tools in the audit of University 89) is the Geraldine Trulaskeinternal controls. Professor Mauldin Chair of Accountancy. He is very excitedalso conducts research in auditing and to be back in the classroom, teachingcorporate governance. For example, this year her project doctoral seminars and the capstoneexamining how CFO experience on outside boards course in which he introduced a newincreases strategic investment, capital management and module on leverage buyouts. During theoverall performance at their home firm was published in past year, he published three coauthored papers: PCAOBthe Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. She is Inspections and the Differential Audit Quality Effect foralso working on a number of earlier stage projects and has Big 4 and Non-Big 4 U.S. in Contemporary Accountingpresented her work at several invited workshops for other Research, Internal Control Material Weakness and CEOUniversities. She has published papers in leading Recruitment in Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting,accounting journals such as The Accounting Review, and Bank Audit Regulations and Reporting Quality inJournal of Accounting & Economics, Contemporary Journal of International Accounting Research. EuropeanAccounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Accounting Review awarded him an Excellence inTheory, Journal of Information Systems, and Accounting Reviewing Recognition,a distinction given to thoseOrganizations & Society. She is also serving the reviewers who produce high quality reports for theprofession as the President of the American Accounting journal in a timely manner. Professor Khurana is workingAssociation. In addition to serving as a reviewer for on several research projects examining the interactionsvarious journals, Professor Mauldin is completing her between transparent information and rank-and-filesix-year role as an editor for The Accounting Review.employees. Stevie Neuman (PhD, Texas A&M Hoyoun Kyung (PhD, University ofUniversity 14) is an associate professor Texas at Dallas 18) is an assistantand the Brown Smith Wallace Faculty professor and the Accountancy AlumniScholar. During the 2020-2021 Faculty Scholar. He teachesacademic year, she taught the intermediate financial accounting tointroductory taxation course, but she junior and senior students in the Schoolwill be transitioning into the taxes and of Accountancy. His primary researchbusiness strategy course and a doctoral seminar during the examines the informational effects of regulatoryupcoming academic year. Her primary research examines intervention and market transparency in the context offirms tax planning decisions and how those decisions corporate disclosure and bank monitoring. His work hasaffect firms information environments (primarily through been published in the Journal of Business Finance &financial reporting and internal control quality) and Accounting and featured in Harvard Law School Foruminvestors assessments of firm value. Specifically, Professor on Corporate Governance, Columbia Law Schools BlogNeuman is interested in the volatility of firms effective of Corporation and the Capital Markets, and Oxfordtax rates and tax risk and the quality of firms financial Business Law Blog. He is active in the Americanstatements and information environments, especially the Accounting Association (AAA) and Financial Accountingeffects of tax services provided by audit firms and tax-and Reporting Section (FARS) presenting his papers andrelated reporting decisions. She has published her serving as a reviewer and discussant at annual and mid- research in Contemporary Accounting Research and The year meetings. He received FARS Excellence inJournal of the American Taxation Association. Professor Reviewing Award in 2019. He completed BBA from KoreaNeuman is an active member of the American Accounting University and MA in Economics from New YorkAssociation (AAA) and the American Taxation Association University(ATA). During the 2020-2021 academic year, she served on the editorial board for The Journal of the American Taxation Association and the JATA Conference 6 School of Accountancy'