b'Mizzou Alumni Association PresidentSupporting MIZZOU is a Family AffairMeet the Mizzou Alumni Associationsattend Mizzou. It also opened doors for other students. In newest president.2010, the three siblings honored their father by creating the LeRoy Vogel Family Endowed Business Scholarship. Jeff Vogel, the Mizzou Alumni Associations 202223To date, about 10 students have received the award, which volunteer president, will move the association forward byis available to Bowling Green High School graduates drawing on and enhancing its many strengthsincludingaccepted to the Trulaske College of Business. the MU student experience. An important way to ensureFor the past two decades, Vogel has served as chief graduates become active alumni is by making sure theyfinancial officer for the Missouri-based Walsworth have a high-quality experience as students, he says.Publishing Co. Leveraging that business experience on Vogel, BS Acc, 90, credits his own time on campusbehalf of the alumni association, Vogel has been working with his current commitment to the association. I amwith MAA volunteers and staff to develop a three-year thankful that I had wonderful years at Mizzounot onlystrategic plan. Their work will be presented to the alumni for the tremendous education I received but also for theassociation board later this fall. As the plan takes shape, relationships I established and the networks I formed thatone thing is certain: The associations future will grow out still benefit me today, he says.of its commitment to improving the student and alumni His Mizzou story began long before his arrival onexperience.campus. His father, LeRoy, BS BA 66, the first of hisPublished on Show Me Mizzou August 3MIZZOU magazine family to go to college, studied accounting at MU. ThatFall 2022laid the foundation for me, my brother and my sister to 2022 Newsmagazine 35'