b'COVID-19 Student PerspectivesJimmy Tang benefits and changes that the pandemic was going to leave The shift caused by the pandemicon both the professional and academic world. Im excited provided me with an insightfulto see how the world continues to evolve as we work experience. Both firms andthrough this changing environment. universities found creative and flexibleJustin Burkssolutions to meet the needs ofThe initial completely online format everyone. Serving as the President ofthe University of Missouri switched Beta Alpha Psi gave me the opportunity to hearto was difficult to handle. I no longer conversations between firms and students about what thehad a daily routine that was enforced future might look like. I remember during one of ourby live lectures and classrooms, so I meetings, KPMG hosted a poll to see how students felthad to enforce it myself. It felt about the future work environment. It surprised me to seeoverwhelming at times. When the that, like myself, many students were excited for a return2020-2021 school year started, I was able to carve out time to in-person especially for upcoming internships. Some ofto take my asynchronous classes like I would in the time the reasons they cited included opportunities to networkbefore the pandemic by setting up at a desk, turning on naturally as well as a more engaged learning experience.my camera, and participating in class. I also took better My role also gave me plenty of opportunities to hear fromcontrol of my physical and mental health while either in my peers at a more personal level. In one of theselockdown or quarantine. A few amazing teachers held conversations, a peer shared with me that she was planningsynchronous or in-person classes when they were able to. on turning down an internship offer with PwC since herThis was a great for not only keeping students on track spouse was currently based in a different location. I waswith their studies, but I think it helped a lot of students ecstatic to share that Id recently heard PwC was nowmentally when dealing with this pandemic. It made things offering fully remote work opportunities which includedfeel normal, and I, along with other students, appreciate interns. It was then great to see the look of relief on herthe teachers who were able to adapt so quickly and face and amazing to see how the world was changing. Thiseffectively. was one of many moments where I realized the lasting Jillian Rosenkranz like I was extremely familiar with the material that I While in my second semester oflearned during my online semester. Even during the being in the accounting program,unusual times that we were all experiencing, the the University of Missouri movedprofessors made it easy to learn and connect with other to a remote learning setting due tostudents. the COVID-19 pandemic. AnyoneDuring this same time, I was going through the whos been through theinternship interview process with many firms. I can also Accountancy program at theecho the same type of accommodations were made for University knows that the first year is definitely theus to make the transition as easy as possible. An most difficult. So adjusting to the rigor of theimperative part of the interview process is getting to Accountancy program on top of adjusting to unknownsknow the people that work at the firms and building brought on with online learning and the pandemic wasrelationships with potential future coworkers. The firms not an easy task. However, the School of Accountancymade sure to put on many virtual events that had made the situation as seamless as possible. Teachers werenetworking built in each month to connect us all. I extremely accommodating on deadlines, class situations,found these events to be something I was looking family situations and tried to make remote learning asforward to each month to take a mental break from my easy as possible. I was extremely thankful for theclasswork. Despite going through the process virtually,flexibility shown by the School of AccountancyI still feel like I was able to develop strong relationships professors during this time. I can confidently say thatwith my coworkers through internships and the now going through the CPA exam process, I still feltinterview processes. 2022 Newsmagazine 41'