b'Faculty ActivitiesVairam Arunachalam (PhD, Illinois 91) isElise Bartley (MAcc, University PricewaterhouseCoopers / Joseph A. Silvosoof Missouri 08), Assistant Teaching Distinguished Professor & Director of the School ofProfessor and FORVIS Teaching Accountancy at Mizzou. His teaching interests are in theScholar, currently teaches Intermediate areas of Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting. HisFinancial Accounting, Advanced two co-edited books titled The Financial Landscape ofAccounting, Fraud Examination, Emerging Economies and Critical Perspectives on Emergingand Accounting Ethics at Mizzou. Economies were recently published by Springer Publishing.She advises the Mizzou Student Center for the Public Professor Arunachalam currently serves as a Trustee ofTrust and the Alumni Mentor Program student the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Researchorganizations. Previously, Elise served as the President Foundation, member of the Missouri Society of CPAsof the Missouri Association of Accounting Educators. (MOCPA) Education Foundation, and member of theShe is currently a member of the American Accounting Accountancy Board of Advisors for the Gies College ofAssociation, the Missouri Society of Certified Public Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Accountants, and the Missouri Association of Accounting Champaign. He has been actively involved with AACSBEducators, as well as is active in various community accreditation, having chaired several AACSB accountingorganizations including The Crossing Church. She accreditation teams in recent years, with two moreis also a licensed CPA in the state of Missouri. Before forthcoming next year. He has also been actively involvedbeginning her teaching career, Elise worked for Ernst in organizing alumni and leadership visits, guest speakers,& Young as an auditor out of the Kansas City office.and forums such as Orin Ethics Symposium (featuring Fannie Mae CEO Tim Mayopoulos in 2021 and TheranosMahfuz Chy (PhD, University of whistleblower Tyler Schultz forthcoming in 2022) andToronto 18) is an assistant professor Dawdy Speaker Series. He is actively involved inand the Deloitte Faculty Scholar. fundraising and alumni relations for the School ofHe completed a MS in Statistics Accountancy. Professor Arunachalam continues his servicefrom Virginia Tech and a MS in on the Trulaske College of Business Executive CommitteeMathematical Finance from UNC-and is currently serving on the Trulaske College ofCharlotte. Previously, he worked as Business Dean Search Committee. In his free time, he cana statistician in Raleigh, North Carolina. His research be seen walking across the Mizzou campus with his dog,interests broadly span financial and auditing archival DaVinci, who aspires to be an assistant to campus mascot,topics. Some specific areas of his current research focus Truman the Tiger, someday. on real effects of accounting/auditing, managerial short-termism, debt contracting, and unintended Leah Baer (PhD, University ofconsequences of accounting/auditing regulations. Colorado Boulder 18) is an assistant professor and the Armanino FacultyKeith Czerney (PhD, University Scholar in the School of Accountancy.of Illinois 15; MAPC, Villanova She teaches Accounting InformationUniversity 06; BBA, University of Systems to students newly admitted toMichigan 05) is an assistant professor the accountancy program. Her primaryand the PricewaterhouseCoopers research interests focus on corporate governance, inFaculty Scholar. He teaches the particular how incentives of executives and directorsintroductory auditing course. Keith influence their behavior. Leah is an active member ofmaintains an active research agenda that principally the American Accounting Association and has served as afocuses on current issues in auditing and disclosure. His reviewer for several academic journals. She maintains herresearch has been published in The Accounting Review, CPA license in the state of Colorado.Contemporary Accounting Research, and AUDITING: A Journal of Practice and Theory. Beyond research and teaching, Keith serves as a review board member for The International Journal of Accounting and as an ad-hoc reviewer for several academic accounting journals and American Accounting Association (AAA) 4 School of Accountancy'