b'LETTER FROM THE CHAIRAlthough the specific changes wewhich highlighted the recent development of the ability to transmit music via radio!This suggests that are experiencing are new, exciting,although the specific changes we are experiencing and scary, the approach we mustare new, exciting, and scary, the approach we must Greetings from Mizzou and the Managementpassing lane. Robots that do your laundry, cook yourtake as educators and scholars istake as educators and scholars is enduring. The title Department in the Trulaske College of Business!dinner, and raise your kids might become common- of this years magazine, Empowering Students for enduring a Cyber World, reflects this ethos: we must not Thank you for your interest in the department,place (think Rosie from the Jetsons). Healthcare innovationssuchaswere a lot of words expressing pessimism andonly prepare students for jobs, we must prepare and for your support. And thank you for readingnanotechnologythatanxiety, including scary, uncertainty, stress,them for the unknowns they will experience in the this far into our fourth annual edition of Manage- can deploy microde- and worry.Notably, the time-worn concerns ofnot-so-distant future, empower them to embrace ment Matters!Im honored to serve in the role ofvices into your body todeath, and taxes, are also represented!change, and cheer for their success.department chair, and pleased to provide you withattack cancer cells or an update on the department, and what our terrificblood clots are beingThese words and patterns strike me as likely similar faculty and staff are up to. developed,andwillto those that business students of 20, 50, or even Chris RobertThe Trulaske College of Business is deep in thelikely become a reality100 years ago may have reported. This probably process of formulating and detailing a new stra- this century. And lotsreflects a degree of timelessness to how ourChristopher Robert, PhD tegic plan to guide and focus our activities overmorecrazystuffwestudents view the world they are entering, and howChair, Management Department & the next five years.As you might expect, one of thecant imagine yet.they imagine their future selves.The 1924 versionPinkney C. Walker Professor of Teaching Excellenceimportant themes driving our plan is technology,of Mizzous Savitar yearbook included a piece enti-and we have mirrored that as a major theme of thisThese unknowns are exciting, but also a little scary.tled What engineering owes to the imagination, magazine. Toward that end we have a number ofOut of curiosity, I conducted a quick survey of about technology-themed articles by our faculty. These500 students in introductory business classes, and include an article by Dr. Kihyung Kim on how smallasked them to respond to the following question: businesses can adapt new artificial intelligence (AI)What three words come to mind when you think technologies to increase efficiencies, an article byabout the future? Notably, I didnt prompt them toWHAT THREE WORDS COME TO MINDJack Pelikan examining how companies can mitigatethink of technology, or to think about opportunities We as educators must think aboutsecurity risks in a worldor things they were worried about: just the threeWHEN YOU THINK ABOUT THE FUTURE?thatisincreasinglywords that come to mind.how we prepare students to enterdependent on digitalThe responses are reproduced in this word cloudBelow is a representation of the answers received from over 500 students who were asked this question.an increasingly complexand data technologies,(larger words were mentioned more frequently). The technological landscape and an article by Scottthree most reported words were money, success,TECH Christianson addressingand family. But some other themes emerge. First,AMBITIOUS UNCERTAINTY PROGRESShow we should thinkas we might have expected, technology and otherHARD RESPONSIBILITYGRADUATION WARabout adopting AI, while at the same time not fallingwords with tech as the root were a commonCHANGING UNPREDICTABLE FUTURISTIC TRUMPDIFFERENT FREEDOMprey to hysteria and predictions of doom. We must also teach students PEACE GROWTHOPTIMISTICAs these articles emphasize, we as educators mustKIDSthink about how we prepare students to enter anthe skills they will need to analyze ROBOTS DEATHincreasingly complex technological landscape thatand solve problems, and to beSTRESS UNSURE RICHwill require the ability to use and understand existingcomfortable with employingHOPEtechnologies such as artificial intelligence, machineFUN NERVOUStechnological advances that do ANXIETYlearning, analytics, and big data. However, we mustNEW TAXESalso teach them the skills they will need to analyzenot exist yetTIME SUCCESSFUL HOPEFUL OPPORTUNITIESand solve problems, and to be comfortable withresponse, as were a number of technology-relevantBETTER OPPORTUNITY FEARemploying technological advances that do not existwords (e.g., robots, innovative, futuristic). Second,EVENTFUL GLOBALyet. For example, autonomous vehicles are alreadyMARRIAGE POSITIVEin addition to success there are lots of other indi- OPTIMISM ADVANCEDan emerging reality, but will likely become common- ENERGY PROFESSIONAL INNOVATIONplace, along with autonomous tractor trailers whocators of optimism (e.g., happiness, opportunity,INDEPENDENCE SCAREDexciting, interesting, and hope). And finally, thereADULTHOOD TECHNOLOGICAL WARMING PASSIONATEdont have drivers that insist on camping in theADVANCEMENT PLANNING WORRYEFFICIENCY PROGRESSIVESTABILITY EXCITEMENT RETIREMENT INNOVATIVE NERVESMARRIED ARTIFICIAL INTERESTING SECURITY WEALTHGOALS TOMORROW POWERBIG HOUSE DRIVE4 2024 MANAGEMENT MATTERSMANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 5'