b'MEET OUR FACULTYRESEARCH FACULTYJoel Andrus(PhD, Strategic Management,I try to integrate research findings intoPyung (Joe) Nahm(Ph.D., Strategic Manage- John Schaubroeck(Ph.D. Organizational Texas A&M University; M.S., Civil and Environ- practical suggestions that are actionablement and Entrepreneurship, University ofBehaviorandHumanResourceManage-mental Engineering, Brigham Young University;Minnesota; MBA, Strategic Management, Seoulment, Purdue University; B.B. Management, B.S., Applied Physics, Brigham Young Univer- for students, such as encouraging femaleNational University; BA, Economics, North- Western Illinois University). Dr. Schaubroeck sity). Dr. Andrus is an Assistant Professor ofstudents to be more comfortable withwestern University). Mr. Nahm will join theis a Professor of Management and the Robert strategy and entrepreneurship. He researchesnegotiating to improve their outcomes management department in the fall.He grewJ. Trulaske, Sr. Chair of Management. He over-topics involving strategic leadership, innovation,up in Ann Arbor, Michigan; Berkeley, California;sees the departments doctoral program and its entrepreneurship and sustainability. His workand address the gender wage gapand Seoul, South Korea. His research interestsPromotion and Tenure Committee. His exper-has been published in top journals such as the Academy of Manage- are in strategy, entrepreneurship, and economic geography. He istise includes psychological and behavioral ment Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of ManagementJoel Andrus particularly interested in studying industry clusters and how theyprocesses in leader-follower relationships, leadership development, and the Academy of Management Annals. He is currently researchingaffect local innovation and entrepreneurship outcomes. negotiation, and employee stress and well-being. He has published 98 topics such as CEO psychological attributes, gender bias in entre- refereed journal articles and 14 book chapters. He currently sits on the preneurship and the emergence of the renewable energy market. Richard Johnson(PhD, Management, TexasAnn Peng(Ph.D. Organizational Behavioreditorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of A&M University; B.S., Geology, University ofand Human Resource Management, MichiganManagement Perspectives, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Miami) Dr. Johnson is a Professor of Manage- State University; M.Phil Management, LingnanManagement Scientific Reports, Journal of Organizational Behavior, John Arnold(Ph.D: Florida State University,ment teaching strategy and entrepreneurship.University of Hong Kong; B.A. Psychology,Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (formerly as 2020; MBA: The University of Georgia; MasterHis research interests include corporate restruc- Beijing Normal University). Dr. Peng is an Asso- editor-in-chief), Personnel Psychology, Research in Human Resource of Divinity: Asbury Theological Seminary; Bach- turing and governance (both domestic andciate Professor, and the Raymond W. LansfordManagement, and Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being. elor of Arts: Auburn University). Dr. Arnold isinternational). He has received several researchDistinguished Professor of Leadership. HerHe is a Senior Editor of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational an Assistant Professor whose primary researchand teaching awards. His publications appearresearch interests include leadership, emotions,Studies. Professor Schaubroeck is a Fellow of the American Psycho-interests focus on human resources staffing.in the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Managementand performance. She has published research in the Academy oflogical Association and the Society for Industrial and Organizational His research has been published in the JournalJournal, Journal of Management, and Journal of Management Studies,Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, OrganizationalPsychology.of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology,among others. He currently serves on the editorial review boards ofBehavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology, and the Journal of Management and featured in the Harvard Busi- Organization Science and the Journal of Management and has servedamong others. Dr. Peng is an Action Editor at the Journal of Orga- Being surrounded by colleagues passionate ness Review. on the Academy of Management Journal editorial review board.nizational Behavior and the Journal of Leadership and Organiza- about conducting top-notch research at tional Studies. She serves on the editorial boards of the Academy ofTrulaske inspires me to do my best. Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Personnel Charles Connaughton(Ph.D.: University ofJoonyoung Kim(Ph.D. Human ResourcePsychology. Ann PengWashington, 2020; B.S., Semiconductor Elec- Studies,CornellUniversity;M.S.Human tronics and Applied Physics, University of Cali- Resource Studies, Cornell University; M.I.L.R.Chris Robert (Ph.D., University of Illinois; M.A.Julia Stevenson-Street (Ph.D. Organization forniaBerkeley, 2002). Dr. Connaughton is anHuman Resources & Organizations, CornellUniversity of Illinois; B.A. University of Vermont).Behavior and Human Resources Management, Assistant Professor teaching strategy and entre- University; B.A. Business Administration, KoreaIn 2019, Dr. Robert is an Associate ProfessorPurdue University; B.S. Psychology, Grand preneurship. His research uses machine learningUniversity). Dr. Kim is an assistant professor inand was named the Pinkney Walker ProfessorValley State University). Dr. Stevenson-Steet to explore technology development and organi- the Management Department at the Robert J.of Teaching Excellence, he is currently servingis an Assistant Professor of Management. Her zational learning. His work has been publishedTrulaske, Sr. College of Business. His researchas the Management Department Chairperson.research focuses on corporate social responsi-in Strategic Management Journal and Organization Science. Beforefocuses on how organizations can gain a competitive advantageHis research examines humor at work, cross-cul- bility and ethics studied at the individual level pursuing his doctoral degree, he was a serial entrepreneur in socialthrough systematic human resource management practices. His keytural management, workplace conflict, andto understand how employees and job seekers media. areas of investigation include strategic human resource management,work groups and teams. His research has appeared in publicationsare influenced by ethical practices.where he explores how and when organizations can achieve desiredincluding Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, firm-level outcomes by designing and implementing human resourceand Journal of Management, among others. He is the editor of the Stephen Downing(Ph.D.National Chiao Tungmanagement systems. Additionally, Dr. Kim is particularly interestedbook The Psychology of Humor at Work (2017, Psychology Press).Enlan Wang(Ph.D., University of Southern University, 2020; M.B.A.National Chiao Tungin the intersection of human resource management, entrepreneurshipCalifornia; MLA, University of Chicago; BA, Sun University; B.A.Tulane University). Dr. Downingresearch, and compensation research. The Human Resources DivisionYat-Sen University).Dr. Wang is an incoming is an Assistant Professor in the managementawarded him the Best Student Paper Award for Human Resourc- Anthony Ross (Ph.D. and MBA, Indiana Univer- Assistant Professor in the Management Depart-department. His research studies how organiza- es-Entrepreneurship Research at the Academy of Management insity- Bloomington; B.A. OLLU). Dr. Ross joinedment. She grew up in China and has worked and tions understand and engage with their compet- 2020, 2022, and 2023. the Trulaske College in 2019 as the Leggettstudied in Europe, Singapore, and the U.S. Her itive environment. His work has been published&Platt Missouri Distinguished Professor ofresearch focuses on cognitive and behavioral in management outlets, including the AcademySupply Chain Management. He currently servesstrategies in the context of emerging technol-of Management Journal. Before pursuing his doctoral degree, heDoug Moeselas the Associate Dean of Research. His research (PhD, Texas A&M University; MS,ogies. Her current projects examine market categories and entre-co-founded a business-to-business software-as-a-service startupOklahoma State University; BS, Oklahoma Stateexamines performance within buyer-supplierpreneurial imagination.in Taiwan for small- and medium-sized service enterprises. University). Dr. Moesel is an Associate Professor,relationships, modeling and designing distribu-his teaching and research interests includetion networks/systems, inventory management, and 20 staff sched-strategic management, entrepreneurship, anduling in service systems such as hospitals. His research has appeared innovation. His research has been publishedin the Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences Journal, in several journals including the Academy ofand Journal of Business Logistics, among others. Dr. Ross serves as Management Journal, Strategic aManagementnational secretary of the prestigious Decision Sciences Institute and Journal, and Journal of Business Venturing, among others.is an Associate Editor for Decision Sciences Journal. 20 2024 MANAGEMENT MATTERSMANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 21'