b'DEANS MESSAGEAs we welcomed a new freshmen class this fall, we felt a profound sense of responsibility to prepare them for occupations of the future that may not exist just yet. Indeed, industries and jobs are changing fast. Many jobs are demanding new skills and some roles are THREE PILLARSdisappearing entirely. Consider retail, for instance. With e-commerce giants like Amazon shaking things up, traditional stores are feeling the pressure. Now, DEFINING THE theyre up against online competitors armed with AI for tailoring suggestions, chatbots to assist customers and data crunching to keep shelves stocked. This shift VISION FOR is bringing in new roles in e-commercethink data wizards, digital gurus and warehouse optimizerswhile jobs like cashiers and stockers are fading away. TRULASKE In the financial world, Fintech companies are disrupting the industry by embracing tech like blockchain, machine learning and mobile payments. Theyre changing the game for banks and finance firms, offering peer-to-peer lending, robo-advice and digital wallets. As a result, theres a need for software developers who understand finance, cybersecurity whizzes to keep transactions safe and compliance experts to tackle regulations.To get our graduates ready to thrive in this ever-changing world, we need to really think about the skills and experiences relevant for the future. In this vein, were excited to share Trulaskes vision. Its built on three main pillars: transformative technologies, By being at the cutting edge of theexperience-centered learning and fostering an entre-preneurial mindset. We have several ongoing projectsto position our students to be successful in academicsCourses and experiences that help students think latest in tech, tackling real-worldand their careers. like entrepreneurs are at the core of this pillar, as this in each area and were all set to dream up even moreapproach impacts how students learn. Our Center for challenges and embracing anbig ideas that fit with our vision. Experience-Centered Learning Entrepreneurship and Innovation is a hub for students Transformative Technologies What really makes our graduates stand out is their entrepreneurial spirit, our gradsknack for taking the concepts they learn in classlooking to develop and hone this mindset, offering Companies are using digital tools like generative AIeverything from pitch competitions to workshops on wont just be ready for the future to completely change how they do business, fromand applying them in the real world. At Trulaske, weusing digital tech for business. Our goal? To create a how they connect with customers to how they runencourage students to dive headfirst into real-lifesupportive community where student entrepreneurs theyll be shaping it themselves. things behind the scenes.problem-solving right from the get-go. We dontcan thrive. Technology is also a game-changer for education,just tack on practical stuff at the end; we carefullyBy being at the cutting edge of the latest in tech, making it easier for more people to learn in theirweave it into every aspect of our courses, makingtackling real-world challenges and embracing an own way. New tools give us personalized lessons,sure students get rich real-world problem-solvingentrepreneurial spirit, our grads wont just be ready more resources at our fingertips and chances toexperiences. for the futuretheyll be shaping it themselves. work together no matter where we are. Its not justOur vision is to go well beyond the usual internships about online classes; its about using AI to help usand final projects. We want our students to get into learn better and making sure a quality education isthe nitty-gritty of real-world problems. Thats why we accessible to everyone. will craft our courses with these challenges front and center, giving students a solid foundation for tackling In our corner, we are making sure our students area wide range of problems that come their way.ready for the future by focusing on the skills thatEntrepreneurial Mindset Balaji Rajagopalan blend tech and business. The implications of the tech- Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. Deandriven future for business education are also thatWith technology driving innovation across industries, human skills like communication and critical thinkingevery company is on the lookout for talent with an will be even more important. To multiply the impactentrepreneurial spark. At Trulaske, we nurture that of our efforts to deliver tech and human skills, werespirit, not just for our own students, but for everyone teaming up with companies and other units at Mizzouat Mizzou.2 | TRULASKE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS TRULASKE MAGAZINE 2024| 3'