Li Chen, Fengxia Zhu, Murali Mantrala, and Na Wang (2019) “Seller Creative Selling in Social Commerce” Forthcoming, International Journal of Advertising.

Professor Mantrala is a member of INFORMS (the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) and the American Marketing Association (AMA). Previously, he was a J.C. Penney Associate Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville (1995-1998) and then Manager at ZS Associates, Evanston, Illinois (1999-2003). Professor Mantrala has been a visiting professor at various universities over the last 25 years including Bar-Ilan (Tel Aviv), Chicago, Cologne, Columbia, Duke, Indian School of Business, Rutgers, Vanderbilt, Washington-St. Louis, and WHU Koblenz. Professor Mantrala’s research on topics such as marketing by two-sided platforms, sales resource allocation, compensation design, and retail pricing strategies has appeared in leading academic journals such as Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Journal of Marketing (JM), Marketing Science (MKS), Journal of Retailing (JR), Marketing Letters, and Journal of Interactive Marketing (JIM). Two of his papers in JMR were finalists for the AMA’s O’Dell Award. Two others in MKS and JIM won the Frank M. Bass Best Paper Award in 1998 and the 2013 Best Paper Award respectively. Professor Mantrala is Co-Editor of Journal of Retailing from January 1, 2015 after serving four years as an Associate Editor. He also serves/served on the editorial boards of JM, MKS, and Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. He was a co-chair of the 43rd AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium at University of Missouri in 2008 and the biannual Enhancing Sales Force Productivity Conferences at Missouri, Kiel, and Kansas, in 2006, 2008, & 2010 respectively. In 2010, he received the Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander Humboldt Foundation in Berlin, Germany, for lifetime research contributions, several in collaboration with scholars in Germany.
Ph.D. Northwestern University, 1987; B.S., MBA, University of Minnesota, 1981; MBA, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, 1976; University of Delhi, 1974
Anand, D. & Mantrala, M. (2019), “Responding to Disruptive Business Model Innovations: the case of traditional banks facing fintech entrants”, Journal of Banking and Financial Technology, 1(3), 19-31.
Srinath Gopalakrishna, Jason Garrett, Murali K. Mantrala, Shrihari Sridhar, (2015). "Assessing Sales Contest Effectiveness: The Role of Salesperson and Sales District Characteristics," Marketing Letters: 1-14.
Mukherjee, Arpita, Divya Satija, Tanu M. Goyal, Murali K. Mantrala and Shaoming Zou. (2014), "Impact of the Retail FDI Policy on Indian Consumers and the Way Forward," Ch. 3 in Globalization & Standards: Issues and Challenges in Indian Business, Keshab Das (Ed.).
Mantrala, Murali K., S. Gopalakrishna, S. Albers, K. Joseph, M. Krafft, C. Nasarimhan, F. Caldieraro, O. Jensen, R. Lal, A. Zoltners and L. Lodish (2010), "Sales Force Modeling: State of the Field and Research Agenda," Marketing Letters, 21, 3, 255-272.